From freshmen to scholars, there is always the first step.
Excellent Accredited University
UMS has been accredited “Excellent” since 2021 and continues to maintain its quality. Apart from that, UMS has also received international recognition.
Registration Schedule
Activities | Dates | Dates |
CBT Registration | November 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024 | Detail |
Registration for E-Selection/Report Achievement | November 1, 2023 – August 26, 2024 | Detail |
Registration for New Student Scholarship | on going | Detail |
Registration for Regional Test | on going | |
10% Development Fee Discount | November 1, 2023 – February 3, 2024 | |
5% Development Fee Discount | February 5 – March 2, 2024 | |
Resignation Limit with Refund | August 24, 2024 | |
Start of Study Period | September 2024 |
- CBT Registration
- E-Selection/Report Achievement
- Scholarship
- Regional Test (CBT)
- Online Test (CBT)
Sekilas Program Studi
Program Studi S1 (Sarjana) merupakan program yang dipersiapkan bagi lulusan SMA/SMK/MA sederajat dengan skema perkuliahan selama delapan (8) semester atau empat tahun. Berikut adalah program studi di UMS.
1 | Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan | |||||
Pend. Akuntansi | S1 | Unggul | 257.000 | 11.100.000 | Website | |
Pend. Kewarganegaraan dan Pancasila | S1 | Unggul | 234.000 | 9.200.000 | Website | |
Pend. Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | S1 | Unggul | 258.000 | 11.100.000 | Website | |
Pend. Bahasa Inggris | S1 | Unggul | 278.000 | 13.200.000 | Website | |
Pend. Matematika | S1 | Unggul | 278.000 | 13.200.000 | Website | |
Pend. Biologi | S1 | Unggul | 278.000 | 13.400.000 | Website | |
Pend. Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) | S1 | Unggul | 288.000 | 14.965.000 | Website | |
Pend. Guru Anak Usia Dini (PG-PAUD) | S1 | Unggul | 261.000 | 9.200.000 | Website | |
Pend. Geografi | S1 | Unggul | 233.000 | 9.700.000 | Website | |
Pend. Teknik Informatika | S1 | Unggul | 285.000 | 11.583.000 | Website | |
Pend. Jasmani | S1 | Unggul | 291.000 | 12.095.000 | Website | |
2 | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis | |||||
Manajemen | S1 | Unggul | 311.600 | 17.323.000 | Website | |
Akuntansi | S1 | Unggul | 312.000 | 17.325.000 | Website | |
Ekonomi Pembangunan | S1 | Unggul | 299.000 | 13.125.000 | Website | |
Bisnis Digital | S1 | – | 290.000 | 12.000.000 | Website | |
3 | Fakultas Hukum | |||||
Ilmu Hukum | S1 | Unggul | 340.000 | 18.167.500 | Website | |
4 | Fakultas Teknik | |||||
Teknik Mesin | S1 | Unggul, IABEE | 363.000 | 19.215.000 | Website | |
Teknik Sipil | S1 | Unggul, AUN-QA | 372.000 | 20.650.000 | Website | |
Teknik Elektro | S1 | Unggul, IABEE | 346.000 | 18.300.000 | Website | |
Arsitektur | S1 | Unggul, AUN-QA | 363.000 | 19.215.000 | Website | |
Teknik Kimia | S1 | Unggul, IABEE | 338.000 | 17.900.000 | Website | |
Teknik Industri | S1 | Unggul, IABEE | 372.000 | 20.650.000 | Website | |
5 | Fakultas Farmasi | |||||
Farmasi | S1 | Unggul, AUN-QA | 480.000 | 35.280.000 | Website | |
6 | Fakultas Psikologi | |||||
Psikologi | S1 | Unggul | 360.500 | 16.380.000 | Website | |
7 | Fakultas Geografi | |||||
Geografi | S1 | Unggul | 271.000 | 10.300.000 | Website | |
Sains Informasi Geografi | S1 | Minimal | 233.000 | 9.700.000 | Website | |
8 | Fakultas Agama Islam | |||||
Pendidikan Agama Islam | S1 | Unggul | 193.000 | 5.350.000 | Website | |
Hukum Ekonomi Syariah | S1 | Unggul | 185.000 | 5.350.000 | Website | |
Ilmu Al-Quran dan Tafsir | S1 | B | 152.000 | 4.300.000 | Website | |
9 | Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan | |||||
Keperawatan | S1 | Unggul, AUN-QA | 477.000 | 19.215.000 | Website | |
Ilmu Gizi | S1 | A | 439.000 | 16.485.000 | Website | |
Kesehatan Masyarakat | S1 | Unggul | 427.000 | 15.225.000 | Website | |
Fisioterapi | S1 | Unggul | 470.000 | 17.220.000 | Website | |
10 | Fakultas Kedokteran | |||||
Kedokteran | S1 | Unggul | 1.120.000 | 242.000.000 | Website | |
11 | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | |||||
Pendidikan Dokter Gigi | S1 | Unggul | 966.000 | 196.500.000 | Website | |
12 | Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika | |||||
Ilmu Komunikasi | S1 | Unggul | 333.000 | 17.220.000 | Website | |
Teknik Informatika | S1 | Baik Sekali | 357.000 | 18.375.000 | Website | |
Sistem Informasi | S1 | Baik | 325.000 | 15.500.000 | Website |
Sekilas Program Internasional
Program Internasional adalah program studi dengan jenjang strata 1 (sarjana) yang khusus dipersiapkan untuk melaksanakan perkulihan dengan bilinggual bahasa. Program Internasional juga berkesempatan untuk mengikuti berbagai program studi di Luar Negeri dengan Universitas Mitra Asing.
The table with ID 7 not exists.Pelaksanaan | BATCH 1 (timeline) | BATCH 2 (timeline) | Keterangan |
Informasi Beasiswa | 04-24 Januari 2024 | 23-27 April 2024 | Seluruh media sosial PMB UMS |
Pendaftaran | 24 Januari – 11 Februari 2024 | 26 April – 02 Mei 2024 | Pendaftaran https://ods.ums.ac.id/beasiswa/daftar/ |
Seleksi berkas | 12-19 Februari 2024 | 04-14 Mei 2024 | Panitia |
Pengumuman untuk wawancara | 20 Februari 2024 | 15 Mei 2024 | informasi di https://pmb.ums.ac.id |
Tes Wawancara | 21-22 Februari 2024 | 16-22 Mei 2024 | informasi di https://pmb.ums.ac.id |
Pengumuman lolos beasiswa | 04 Maret 2024 | 03 Juni 2024 | informasi di https://pmb.ums.ac.id |
General requirement
- Attach a report card for semesters 1-5 that obtains the school legalization stamp for each semester;
- Submit an application letter to obtain a scholarship using the form provided by UMSÂ (can be downloaded in each applicant’s account);
- Prospective students can only take part in selection for 1 type of scholarship;
- Fulfill other requirements determined by the new student admissions committee.
Beasiswa | Cakupan Beasiswa | Syarat | Seleksi |
Beasiswa Kiai Haji Ahmad Dahlan (BKAD) |
Beasiswa | Cakupan Beasiswa | Syarat | Seleksi |
Beasiswa Tunas Unggul Muhammadiyah (BTUM) |
Beasiswa | Cakupan Beasiswa | Syarat | Seleksi |
Beasiswa Hafidz Al-Qur’an (BHA) |
Beasiswa | Cakupan Beasiswa | Syarat | Seleksi |
Beasiswa Unggulan (BU) |
Beasiswa | Cakupan Beasiswa | Syarat | Seleksi |
Beasiswa Prestasi (BP) |
You can consult information and questions about the UMS Scholarship with us on WA: 0813-2858-8480 (UMS Scholarship CS), during working hours: 08.00-15.00
Prospective UMS students who are interested in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sports Studies Program are required to meet minimum physical health standards. The physical health letter contains information: Checking height, weight and color blindness. A physical health certificate can be obtained at the nearest Community Health Center/Clinic/Hospital.
List of Height and BMI Requirements
Fakultas | Program Studi | Ketentuan Tinggi Badan | Ketentuan BMI (Max) |
Ilmu kesehatan | Keperawatan | Putra: 155 cm; Putri: 150 cm | Putra: 27; Putri: 25 |
Gizi | Putra: 150 cm; Putri: 148 cm | Putra: 27; Putri: 25 | |
Fisioterapi | Putra: 152 cm; Putri: 148 cm | Putra: 27; Putri: 25 | |
Kesehatan Masyarakat | Putra: 150 cm; Putri: 148 cm | Putra: 27; Putri: 25 | |
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan | Pendidikan Olahraga | Putra: 160 cm; Putri: 150 cm | Putra: 27; Putri: 25 |
List of Study Programs Requires Physical Health Test and MMPI
No | Fakultas/ Program Studi | Syarat Tes Kesehatan |
1 | Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan | |
Pend. Akuntansi | – | |
Pend. Kewarganegaraan | – | |
Pend. Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | – | |
Pend. Bahasa Inggris | – | |
Pend. Matematika | – | |
Pend. Biologi | Tes Kesehatan | |
Pend. Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) | – | |
Pend. Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) | Tes Kesehatan | |
Pend. Geografi | Tes Kesehatan | |
Pend. Teknik Informatika | Tes Kesehatan | |
Pend. Olahraga | Tes Kesehatan | |
2 | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis | |
Manajemen | – | |
Akuntansi | – | |
Ekonomi Pembangunan | – | |
Bisnis Digital | Tes Kesehatan | |
3 | Fakultas Hukum | |
Ilmu Hukum | – | |
4 | Fakultas Teknik | |
Teknik Mesin | Tes Kesehatan | |
Teknik Sipil | Tes Kesehatan | |
Teknik Elektro | Tes Kesehatan | |
Arsitektur | Tes Kesehatan | |
Teknik Kimia | Tes Kesehatan | |
Teknik Industri | Tes Kesehatan | |
5 | Fakultas Farmasi | |
Farmasi | Tes Kesehatan | |
6 | Fakultas Psikologi | |
Psikologi | Tes Kesehatan | |
7 | Fakultas Geografi | |
Geografi | Tes Kesehatan | |
Sains Informasi Geografi | Tes Kesehatan | |
8 | Fakultas Agama Islam | |
Pendidikan Agama Islam | – | |
Hukum Ekonomi Syariah | – | |
Ilmu Al-Quran dan Tafsir | – | |
9 | Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan | |
Keperawatan | Tes Kesehatan | |
Ilmu Gizi | Tes Kesehatan | |
Kesehatan Masyarakat | Tes Kesehatan | |
Fisioterapi | Tes Kesehatan | |
10 | Fakultas Kedokteran | |
Kedokteran | Tes Kesehatan dan Tes MMPI/ Tes Kejiwaan | |
11 | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | |
Pendidikan Kedokteran Gigi | Tes Kesehatan dan Tes MMPI/ Tes Kejiwaan | |
12 | Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika | |
Ilmu Komunikasi | – | |
Teknik Informatika | Tes Kesehatan | |
Sistem Informasi | Tes Kesehatan |
The following is information on the knowledge groups used by the Study Program at UMS. You can use this information to choose a study program when registering via the E-Selection/Report Achievement Route so that it matches your major. Apart from that, you can also determine the type of questions you will take if you register via the CBT Route.
1 | Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) | |||
Pendidikan Akuntansi | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS | |
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Pancasila | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS | |
Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Pendidikan Matematika | SMA/MA IPA | SMA/MA IPA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Pendidikan Biologi | SMA/MA IPA | SMA/MA IPA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Pendidikan Guru Anak Usia Dini (PG-PAUD) | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Pendidikan Geografi | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Pendidikan Teknik Informatika | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Pendidikan Olahraga | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
2 | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis | |||
Manajemen | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Bisnis dan Manajemen | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS | |
Akuntansi | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Bisnis dan Manajemen | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS | |
Ekonomi Pembangunan | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Bisnis dan Manajemen | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS | |
Bisnis Digital | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Bisnis dan Manajemen | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS | |
3 | Fakultas Hukum | |||
Ilmu Hukum | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS | |
4 | Fakultas Teknik | |||
Teknik mesin | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Teknik Sipil | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Teknik Elektro | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Arsitektur | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa | SMA/MA IPA; SMK | Tipe soal IPA | |
Teknik Kimia | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Teknik Industri | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa | SMA/MA IPA; SMK | Tipe soal IPA | |
5 | Fakultas Farmasi | |||
Farmasi | Hanya menerima dari SMA/MA IPA; SMK Farmasi; SMK Analis Kimia; SMK Kimia Industri | SMA/MA IPA | Tipe soal IPA | |
6 | Fakultas Psikologi | |||
Psikologi | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPS | |
7 | Fakultas Geografi | |||
Geografi | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Sains Informasi Geografi | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
8 | Fakultas Agama Islam | |||
Pendidikan Agama Islam | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Hukum Ekonomi Syariah | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPS | |
Ilmu Al-Quran dan Tafsir | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPS | |
9 | Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan | |||
Keperawatan | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Kesehatan dan Pekerjaan Sosial | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Ilmu Gizi | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Kesehatan dan Pekerjaan Sosial | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Kesehatan Masyarakat | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Kesehatan dan Pekerjaan Sosial | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Fisioterapi | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Kesehatan dan Pekerjaan Sosial | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
10 | Fakultas Kedokteran | |||
Kedokteran | Peserta dengan pilihan Program Studi Kedokteran wajib berasal dari SMA/MA jurusan IPA | SMA/MA IPA | Tipe soal IPA (Kedokteran) | |
11 | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | |||
Pendidikan Dokter Gigi | Peserta dengan pilihan Program Studi Kedokteran wajib berasal dari SMA/MA jurusan IPA | SMA/MA IPA | Tipe soal IPA (kedokteran) | |
12 | Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika | |||
Ilmu Komunikasi | SMA/MA IPS atau IPA; SMK | SMA/SMK/MA | Memilih tipe soal IPS atau IPA | |
Teknik Informatika | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA | |
Sistem Informasi | SMA/MA IPA; SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi | SMA/SMK/MA | Tipe soal IPA |
For further information on registration procedures, please contact:
Email: pmb@ums.ac.id
Phone.: 0271-717417 ext. 1308
WA: 0812-2700-0102
Working hours: 08.00-15.00
• Registration Timetable
Activities | Dates | Dates |
CBT Registration | November 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024 | Detail |
Registration for E-Selection/Report Achievement | November 1, 2023 – August 26, 2024 | Detail |
Registration for New Student Scholarship | on going | Detail |
Registration for Regional Test | on going | |
10% Development Fee Discount | November 1, 2023 – February 3, 2024 | |
5% Development Fee Discount | February 5 – March 2, 2024 | |
Resignation Limit with Refund | August 24, 2024 | |
Start of Study Period | September 2024 |
Study Programs in brief
The Undergraduate Study Program (S1) is a program prepared for High School/Vocational School/Islamic High School equivalent graduates with a lecture scheme for eight (8) semesters or four years. The following are study programs at UMS.
1 | Faculty of Teacher Training and Education | |||
Accounting Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Citizenship Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Indonesian Language and Literature Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
English Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Mathematics Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Biology Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Primary Teacher Education (PGSD) | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Geography Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Information Technology Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Sports Education | S1 | B | Website | |
2 | Faculty of Economics and Business | |||
Management | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Accounting | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Economic Development | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
3 | Faculty of Law | |||
Legal Studies | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
4 | Faculty of Engineering | |||
Mechanical Engineering | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Civil Engineering | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Electrical Engineering | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Architecture | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Chemical Engineering | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Industrial Engineering | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
5 | Faculty of Pharmacy | |||
Pharmacy | S1 | A | Website | |
6 | Faculty of Psychology | |||
Psychology | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
7 | Faculty of Geography | |||
Geography | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
8 | Faculty of Islamic Religion | |||
Islamic Religion Education | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Sharia Economic Law | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Al-Quran and Al-Quran Interpretation | S1 | B | Website | |
9 | Faculty of Health Science | |||
Nursing | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Nutrition | S1 | A | Website | |
Public Health | S1 | B | Website | |
Physiotherapy | S1 | A | Website | |
10 | Faculty of Medicine | |||
Medical | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
11 | Faculty of Dentistry | |||
Dentistry Education | S1 | B | Website | |
12 | Faculty of Communication and Informatics | |||
Communication Science | S1 | Excellent | Website | |
Information Technology | S1 | Very Good | Website |
1 | Faculty of Teacher Training and Education | |||
Accounting Education | S1 | 257.000 | 11.100.000 | |
Citizenship Education | S1 | 234.000 | 9.200.000 | |
Indonesian Language and Literature Education | S1 | 258.000 | 11.100.000 | |
English Education | S1 | 278.000 | 13.200.000 | |
Mathematics Education | S1 | 278.000 | 13.200.000 | |
Biology Education | S1 | 278.000 | 13.400.000 | |
Primary Teacher Education (PGSD) | S1 | 281.000 | 14.600.000 | |
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) | S1 | 261.000 | 9.200.000 | |
Geography Education | S1 | 233.000 | 9.700.000 | |
Information Technology Education | S1 | 278.000 | 11.300.000 | |
Sports Education | S1 | 284.000 | 11.800.000 | |
2 | Faculty of Economics and Business | |||
Management | S1 | 304.000 | 16.900.000 | |
Accounting | S1 | 297.000 | 16.500.000 | |
Economic Development | S1 | 285.000 | 12.500.000 | |
3 | Faculty of Law | |||
Legal Studies | S1 | 324.000 | 16.900.000 | |
4 | Faculty of Engineering | |||
Mechanical Engineering | S1 | 346.000 | 18.300.000 | |
Civil Engineering | S1 | 346.000 | 18.300.000 | |
Electrical Engineering | S1 | 346.000 | 18.300.000 | |
Architecture | S1 | 346.000 | 18.300.000 | |
Chemical Engineering | S1 | 338.000 | 17.900.000 | |
Industrial Engineering | S1 | 346.000 | 18.300.000 | |
5 | Faculty of Pharmacy | |||
Pharmacy | S1 | 457.000 | 33.600.000 | |
6 | Faculty of Psychology | |||
Psychology | S1 | 342.000 | 15.600.000 | |
7 | Faculty of Geography | |||
Geography | S1 | 271.000 | 10.300.000 | |
8 | Faculty of Islamic Religion | |||
Islamic Religion Education | S1 | 188.000 | 5.200.000 | |
Sharia Economic Law | S1 | 177.000 | 5.200.000 | |
Al-Quran and Al-Quran Interpretation | S1 | 145.000 | 4.100.000 | |
9 | Faculty of Health Science | |||
Nursing | S1 | 454.000 | 18.300.000 | |
Nutrition | S1 | 418.000 | 15.700.000 | |
Public Health | S1 | 407.000 | 14.500.000 | |
Physiotherapy | S1 | 448.000 | 16.400.000 | |
10 | Faculty of Medicine | |||
Medical | S1 | 1.041.000 | 225.500.000 | |
11 | Faculty of Dentistry | |||
Dentistry Education | S1 | 899.000 | 182.800.000 | |
12 | Faculty of Communication and Informatics | |||
Communication Science | S1 | 317.000 | 16.400.000 | |
Information Technology | S1 | 340.000 | 17.500.000 |
For prospective students of UMS interested in certain study programs, they are required to meet minimum physical health standards. The physical health certificate contains information: Examination of height, weight, colour blindness and other motor disorders. A certificate of physical health can be obtained at the nearest health centre/clinic/hospital.
Specifically for the Medical and Dentistry Study Program, it is mandatory to attach the MMPI test results or a mental health certificate from a Psychiatrist (Sp.KJ).
Meanwhile, for study programs at the Faculty of Health Science and the Sports Education Study Program, it is necessary to add other physical health requirements in the form of Minimum Height and Maximum BMI provisions, which are included in the certificate of physical health.
Height and BMI Requirements
Faculty | Study Program | Minimum Height | BMI Requirements (Max) |
Health Science | Nursing | Male: 155 cm; Female: 150 cm | Male: 27; Female: 25 |
Nutrition | Male: 150 cm; Female: 148 cm | Male: 27; Female: 25 | |
Physiotherapy | Male: 152 cm; Female: 148 cm | Male: 27; Female: 25 | |
Public Health | Male: 150 cm; Female: 148 cm | Male: 27; Female: 25 | |
Teacher Training and Education | Sports Education | Male: 160 cm; Female: 150 cm | Male: 27; Female: 25 |
The list of Study Programs Require Physical Health Tests and MMPI
No | Faculty/ Study Program | Health Test Requirements |
1 | Faculty of Teacher Training and Education | |
Accounting Education | – | |
Citizenship Education | – | |
Indonesian Language and Literature Education | – | |
English Education | – | |
Mathematics Education | – | |
Biology Education | Physical Health Test | |
Primary Teacher Education (PGSD) | – | |
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) | Physical Health Test | |
Geography Education | Physical Health Test | |
Information Technology Education | Physical Health Test | |
Sports Education | Physical Health Test + Height + BMI | |
2 | Faculty of Economics and Business | |
Management | – | |
Accounting | – | |
Economic Development | – | |
3 | Faculty of Law | |
Legal Studies | – | |
4 | Faculty of Engineering | |
Mechanical Engineering | Physical Health Test | |
Civil Engineering | Physical Health Test | |
Electrical Engineering | Physical Health Test | |
Architecture | Physical Health Test | |
Chemical Engineering | Physical Health Test | |
Industrial Engineering | Physical Health Test | |
5 | Faculty of Pharmacy | |
Pharmacy | Physical Health Test | |
6 | Faculty of Psychology | |
Psychology | Physical Health Test | |
7 | Faculty of Geography | |
Geography | Physical Health Test | |
8 | Faculty of Islamic Religion | |
Islamic Religion Education | – | |
Sharia Economic Law | – | |
Al-Quran and Al-Quran Interpretation | – | |
9 | Faculty of Health Science | |
Nursing | Physical Health Test + Height + BMI | |
Nutrition | Physical Health Test + Height + BMI | |
Public Health | Physical Health Test + Height + BMI | |
Physiotherapy | Physical Health Test + Height + BMI | |
10 | Faculty of Medicine | |
Medical | Physical Health Test + MMPI Test / Psychological Test | |
11 | Faculty of Dentistry | |
Dentistry Education | Physical Health Test + MMPI Test / Psychological Test | |
12 | Faculty of Communication and Informatics | |
Communication Science | – | |
Information Technology | Physical Health Test |
The following is information on the knowledge groups used by the Study Program at UMS. One can use this information to choose a study program when registering through the E-Selection/ Report Card Achievement Path to match one’s major. Apart from that, one can also determine the type of questions one will take if one registers via CBT.
1 | Faculty of Teacher Training and Education | |||
Accounting Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Citizenship Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Indonesian Language and Literature Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
English Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Mathematics Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies | Science-based CBT | |
Biology Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies | Science-based CBT | |
Primary Teacher Education (PGSD) | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Geography Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Information Technology Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Sports Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
2 | Faculty of Economics and Business | |||
Management | High School/Islamic High school from Social or Science Studies; Vocational School from Business and Management Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Accounting | High School/Islamic High school from Social or Science Studies; Vocational School from Business and Management Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Economic Development | High School/Islamic High school from Social or Science Studies; Vocational School from Business and Management Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
3 | Faculty of Law | |||
Legal Studies | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
4 | Faculty of Engineering | |||
Mechanical Engineering | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Technology and Engineering Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Civil Engineering | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Technology and Engineering Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Electrical Engineering | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Technology and Engineering Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Architecture | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Technology and Engineering Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Chemical Engineering | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Technology and Engineering Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Industrial Engineering | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Technology and Engineering Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
5 | Faculty of Pharmacy | |||
Pharmacy | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Pharmacy, Chemical Analyst and Chemical Industry Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies | Science-based CBT | |
6 | Faculty of Psychology | |||
Psychology | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
7 | Faculty of Geography | |||
Geography | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
8 | Faculty of Islamic Religion | |||
Islamic Religion Education | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Sharia Economic Law | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Al-Quran and Al-Quran Interpretation | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
9 | Faculty of Health Science | |||
Nursing | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Health and Social Work Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Nutrition | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Health and Social Work Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Public Health | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Health and Social Work Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
Physiotherapy | High School/Islamic High school from Science Studies; Vocational School from Health and Social Work Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT | |
10 | Faculty of Medicine | |||
Medical | High School/Islamic High School from Science Studies | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies | Science-based CBT (Medical) | |
11 | Faculty of Dentistry | |||
Dentistry Education | High School/Islamic High School from Science Studies | High school/Islamic High school from Science Studies | Science-based CBT (Medical) | |
12 | Faculty of Communication and Informatics | |||
Communication Science | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Choosing Science or Social-based CBT | |
Information Technology | High School/Islamic High School from Science Studies; Vocational School from Information Technology and Communication Majors | High school/Islamic High school from Science or Social Studies; Vocational High school | Science-based CBT |
- Computer-Based Test Pathway
- Achievement/Report Card Pathway
- Scholarship Pathway
- Regional Test Pathway (CBT)